June 23, 2012

Ellis Family :: A Sweet Homecoming

It's hard for me to write this post without getting a tad bit emotional so bear with me. I was honored to be asked to take some "homecoming" pictures of the Ellis family this last week. Rosa is a friend of mine from Mary Kay and John is her husband who has been on deployment with the USMC. When she floated the idea of taking these pictures I readily agreed, not really thinking deeply about it. I knew he was coming back from being gone for over 6 months and that she and their daughter were VERY excited to have him home! I thought, sure that will be fun, a new experience for me. I never really stopped to think how emotional the day would be...for them...and for me apparently. The daughter of a Navy mom, I've been through a few deployments in my day...but always as a child. Now that I'm a mom and wife it's a different experience. At least that's what I came to find out while waiting with Rosa and Eva and their family for John's return.

As I observed other families, wives, and parents welcoming their loved ones home, I fought back tears imagining what it would be like if B was still enlisted and we were the ones anxiously waiting his arrival. It was a completely new perspective and I couldn't help but feel honored to be a part of something so special in their lives. 

seeing John walking up...

John, thank you for serving our country selflessly and for helping to protect our freedom. Rosa, I am truly blessed to have been a part of this special day and I am so thankful that you trusted me with such a task. I'm so happy that you all are together again. 

 One of my faves from the day.



Carrie McCray said...

ok i just cried too. that was beautiful! awesome that you got to experience it AND capture it for their family!!

Raymond Jones said...

Great job Mandi! very touching....

Laura Paquette said...

Okay, I'm in tears. What a special moment.

Ruben Rodriguez said...

Love this. Thank you for sharing.

Jessie said...

I love that black and white picture of him walking away holding his daughter's hand. Priceless.

Marisa said...

These are amazing! And bring back memories of our homecoming :) great job!!!!!